Visą savaitgalį mintyse skamba Princess Chelsea - The Cigarette Duet. Šeimyninė drama apie rūkymą. Moteris rūko, vyras bando ją atkalbėt. Tema - sena kaip pasaulis. Mane labiausiai žavi balsų kontrastas, net nebūtina suprast apie ką daina. Norėjo pateikti kasdienę atkalbinėjimo rutiną!? Šios dainos klausyčiau ir klausyčiau... Manyčiau, kad įrašas darytas prieš kokį gerą dvidešimtmetį, bet pasirodo albumas išleistas tik 2011 metais.
Aš nerūkau.
Dar kartą bandžiau.
Tikrai bandžiau.
Vos neuždegiau stogo rusenančia cigarete.
Neįvertinau gal naudos!?
Tada mečiau.
Visai taip paprastai ir mečiau.
Visai taip paprastai ir mečiau.
Savim didžiuojuosi, kad nesivaikau mados ir laimingai gyvenu toliau.
Princess Chelsea - The Cigarette Duet
It's just a cigarette & it cannot be that bad
Honey don't you love me and you know it makes me sad?
It's just a cigarette like you always used to do
I was different then, I don't need them to be cool
It's just a cigarette and it harms your pretty lungs
Well it's only twice a week so there's not much of a chance
It's just a cigarette it'll soon be only ten
Honey can't you trust me when I want to stop I can
It's just a cigarette and it's just a Malboro Light
Maybe but is it worth it if we fight?
It's just a cigarette that I got from Jamie-Lee
She's gonna get a smack and I'm gonna give you three
It's just a cigarette and I only did it once
it's only twice a week so there's not much of a chance
It's just a cigarette and I'm sorry that I did it
Honey can't you trust me when I want to stop I can
Honey don't you love me and you know it makes me sad?
It's just a cigarette like you always used to do
I was different then, I don't need them to be cool
It's just a cigarette and it harms your pretty lungs
Well it's only twice a week so there's not much of a chance
It's just a cigarette it'll soon be only ten
Honey can't you trust me when I want to stop I can
It's just a cigarette and it's just a Malboro Light
Maybe but is it worth it if we fight?
It's just a cigarette that I got from Jamie-Lee
She's gonna get a smack and I'm gonna give you three
It's just a cigarette and I only did it once
it's only twice a week so there's not much of a chance
It's just a cigarette and I'm sorry that I did it
Honey can't you trust me when I want to stop I can